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TPTC Guidelines

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Consolidated Guidelines for Short term skill training programme

01. Training Partner Registration (TP)

  1. Any Organization which meets the following criteria is eligible to be registered as Training Partner.
    • Registered under Indian Trust Acts, 1882 or Tamil Nadu State Society Registration Act,1975 or the Companies Act 2013,


    • Any Government or Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) at the State / Central level


    • Education and Training institutions with adequate training facilities as per NSQF norms
  1. Any Organization black listed/debarred by any Central / State Government are not eligible to apply as Training partners with TNAutoskills.
  2. The following documents are mandatory to apply as TP with TNAutoskills
    • Certificate of Incorporation/ Registration
    • Cancelled Cheque of organization bank account.
  1. The land and building should be owned by Training Partner or in case of lease /rent then the lease agreement should be in the name of Training Partner.
  2. All training cost reimbursement shall be credited to TP bank account
  3. Training Partner shall furnish an agreement with TNAutoskillsincorporating all the terms & conditions. All the information provided by Training Partner should be complete and genuine in all aspects.
  4. If any incorrect details are found, the application will be rejected and the Training Partner will not be entertained in future for applying to TNAutoskills.

02. Training Centre(TC) Empanelment

  1. Once Organization credentials approved by TNSDC, TPs can apply for TC creation.
  2. TC can choose to impart any NSQF aligned job roles.
  3. The Training infrastructure such as tools and equipments, Machineries and shop outfit should be owned by the Training Centre and evidence /documents pertaining to the above should be provided at the time of empanelment.
  4. All Trainers shall be certified from approved State / Central master training institutions as per guidelines issued by MSDE. In case of non ToT certified trainer TC shall make necessary arrangement to get the trainer certified within six months of empanelment.
  5. The following documents have to be submitted by TC
    • Valid Building Stability Certificate
    • Valid Fire Safety Certificate
    • Valid Rental Agreement / Valid Own Sale deed
    • Electricity consumption bill/card
  1. If any incorrect details are found, the application will be rejected and the Training Centre will not be entertained in future for applying to TNSDC.
  2. The Empanelment of Training centre is ordinarily valid for a period one year from the date of issue of empanelment order or till the validity of Fire Safety License, Building Stability Certificate and Rental / Lease Agreement whichever is earlier.
  3. TNSDC shall carryout onsite inspection of infrastructure. Any discrepancies or furnishing of false details is noticed the TC shall be prohibited from conducting training any activities.
  4. For the extension of empanelment TC shall update necessary valid documents 30 days before expiry of the previous empanelment.
  5. TC shall prominently display the TNSDC logo with name in all the class room / all labs and at the entrance.
  6. Proper documentation of the training of each batch by way of Videography, Photograph should be carried out and furnished (both hard and soft copy) to TNSDC at the end of training.
  7. The TP / TC shall produce relevant records / document /CCTV footage during the inspection carried out by TNSDC or its authorized officials from Department of Employment and Training.
  8. Wide publicity should be given through media, local cable TV, Collectorate and advertisements through Handbills, Posters for mobilisation of candidates.
  9. While selecting the candidates for training preference should be given to Women, Destitute widows, SC/ST, differently abled and Transgenders based on the eligibility.
  10. TP / TC shall not collect any training fee or other charges from the candidates. Violation of the clauses will lead to cancellation of empanelment from TNSDC.

03. Training Target

  1. TNAutoskillsalone has the rights to assign training target based on demand.
  2. Empanelment as TC is not a guarantee for target allocation.
  3. The TC should complete the target assigned before making a request for additional target. Continuous monitoring of training programmes will be undertaken and lapses if any found will lead to cancellation of batches.
  4. TC should create a batch within 30 days from target approval date, if the batch is not started then 1st batch target will be cancelled. Subsequently for the remaining batches the same norms will be followed.
  5. If allotted target is not completed within the financial year TNAutoskillswill have right to review at the end of financial year
  6. If the performance of TP/TC is not satisfactory, TNAutoskillshas rights to cancel the ongoing batch and target assigned.
  7. TC should adhere to the targets assigned including batch strength and no carryover will be permitted.

04. Enrolment and creation of batch

  1. Once the TC empanelled, the TC shall login to TNSDC portal and upload the relevant details before the commencement of the training
  2. AadharNumber and verification of Aadhar is mandatory for candidate enrolment in TNAutoskillsportal.
  3. Minimum batch size should be 10 and maximum batch size is 20 / 30 as per norms.
  4. Unique Mobile number verification through one-time password is mandatory for candidate enrolment.
  5. The maximum training duration is 8 hours and minimum 6 hours per day for full time courses.
  6. The maximum training duration is 5 hours and minimum 4 hours per day for part time courses.
  7. Mobilization of candidates shall be the responsibility of TC after due verification process
  8. TC shall be responsible for entering the details of the candidates on TNAutoskillsPortal.
  9. Training Centre shall facilitate at least one practical exposure visit in the concerned sector to enable the students to experience the real working environment
  10. Each trainee should be given a training manual for reference preferably in Tamil.
  11. Candidates trained through any State / Central short term training schemes should not be enrolled again under the TNAutoskillscourses.TP shall ensure due diligence and any deviation identified shall lead to cancellation of empanelment followed by black listing.
  12. Training should be provided to unemployed youth and no regular students of any Educational Institution should be inducted for skill training courses
  13. The training partner should upload and update the details of trainees minimum 10 days before commencement of the training programme in the TNAutoskillsportal for all the batches.
  14. The candidates who have more than 80 % of attendance will be eligible for transportation cost.
  15. Upon successful completion and certification of non-residential skill training candidates will be eligible to get an allowance of transportation cost. This amount shall be transferred to the Aadhar seeded bank account of the candidate
  16. CCTV camera is mandatory for all the training class/Lab rooms
  17. Other State / Central government schemes batches should not run parallel with TNAutoskillstraining batches in the same class room / labs.
  18. Batch wise / Course wise scheduling of training programmes should be mentioned in the TC’s notice board.
  19. Study kit (Study materials, Notebook, Pen, Pencil etc) should be supplied to the Trainees by TP / TC at their own cost.
  20. Each candidate should be provided T-Shirt / over – coat with TNAutoskillslogo printed on Rear side as well as TP lo go on the front side which is to be supplied by TP / TC.
  21. TNSDC has the rights to contact the TC SPOC (on the mobile number provided at the time of registration) through WhatsApp video call or any other video call applications to monitor the quality of skill training.

05. Assessment

  1. Trainees will be assessed & certified by State Council for Vocational Training (SCVT)/ Sector Skill Council (SSC) or any other reputed agency as decided by TNAutoskills
  2. A failed candidate or those candidates who have failed to appear for the assessment may undergo re-assessment once. The TC shall pay the re-assessment fees to the concerned assessing agencies
  3. It is mandatory for the students to maintain 80% attendance to be eligible to appear in the assessments.

06. Payment milestones

I. Short term training

  1. All the TPs are eligible to get training cost the following rate:



Rate per hour/trainee










  1. The release of payment shall be made in 3 tranches subject to the following Key Performance Indicator (KPI)


% of Total Cost

Key Performance Indicator



1 The training cost will be calculated for the batch subject to 70% attendance up to 7 days from commencement of training.



The training cost will be calculated for successfully certified trainees



Minimum assured placement of 70 % of trainees continuously for 90 days *

( * ) As per conditions indicated at Sl. No 9

  1. An allowance for boarding and lodging up to a maximum per trainee per day may be provided directly to the TP as listed in table below:




Amount per day per trainees


X Category


₹ 375


Y Category

Salem, Tirupur, Coimbatore, Tiruchirappalli, Madurai

₹ 315


Z Category

District belong to Other than X and Y category

₹ 250

  1. There will be adjusted payments for the candidates who drop out post disbursal of the first tranche. The amount disbursed to the TP against a dropped or failed candidates in the first tranche shall be adjusted in the subsequent tranches.

II. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


% of Total Cost

Key Performance Indicator



On successful certification of the trainees

07. Utilization Certificate (UC)

  1. UC generated shall be signed and uploaded for all payments received in prescribed format. The UC shall be submitted once in every six months.

08. Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS)

  1. AEBAS shall be mandatory for all TNAutoskillstraining.
  2. Detailed guidelines for installation of AEBAS system as mandated by National Informatics Centre (NIC), Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India is available for reference. (

09. Placement

  1. Placement officer must update the placement of candidate within 90 days of assessment / reassessment date.
  2. TC to set up the placement/entrepreneurship cell for supporting placements
  3. Placement records, where employment start date is less than assessment/ reassessment date that will not be considered for disbursement.
  4. TC shall update and upload the details of the placed candidates within 7th day of every month. The TCs should upload details of the placed candidates as and when the candidate is placed
  5. Details of the placed candidates should be uploaded within 90 days assessment /reassessment date. In case a TC fails to upload details of the placed candidates within the prescribed timeline, it may be rejected.
  6. A TC will be eligible to receive the last tranche of the payout linked to placement, if it fulfils following criteria:
  • TC should have placed at least 70 % of the successfully certified candidates within three months of completion of the training, with at least 50% of the total placed candidates in wage employment.
  • Candidates should be placed in jobs that provide wages at least equal to the minimum wages prescribed as per Minimum Wage Act.
  • TC should make provision for post-placement support/tracking for the candidates placed. Candidates should continue to be in jobs for a minimum period of three months from the date of placement in the same or a higher level with the same or any other employer.
  • In case of wage employment, TCs need to upload a valid proof of placement. The following documents are considered valid proof of employment:
    • Appointment letter issued by the employer
    • A letter issued by the employer with details like the placed candidate name, date of joining and cost to company (CTC) Salary certificate
    • Salary slips issued by the employer.
    • Salary payment proof (NEFT details, bank account statement, or passbook entries) showing the monthlycredit details
  • In case of self-employment, TCs are required to provide a self-declaration letter issued by the candidate. In addition, the centre must provide a proof that candidates have been employed gainfully in livelihood enhancement occupations, which may include the following:
    • Trade license
    • Proof of enterprise set up
    • Proof authenticating that the candidate is part of the producer group
    • Proof of additional earnings (bank statement)
    • Any other suitable and verifiable document, as prescribed by the respective Ministry/Department
    • Proof of the Mudra Loan availed
  • For apprenticeship, either bank statement or salary statement shall be mandatory.

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